Settling for the status quo is not a part of my plan. The world is full of builders, stabilisers and destroyers. I once was told there are the builders who tend to create, stabilisers who keep things going and then there are destroyers, a necessary evil. The ones who break things down, reinvent and restart the cycle. I have had to be all three of these in my career. And I love it.
I’m a single parent with three children who depend on me. I also have clients who depend on me to give them advice, and I have staff who depend on me to pay them, so they in turn can support their families and pay their mortgages. And that is a great privilege. But it comes with pressure to succeed.
That pressure to get it right, is why I created the Taurus Bullseye™, an approach to defining business goals and then setting out to turn them into reality. With all my years of experience and accumulated knowledge, I wanted to create a simple yet sophisticated methodology that underpins my approach to business and offers a template to my clients and my team.
The Bullseye talks about hitting the centre of the dartboard or as we describe it, the centre of a target you’re aiming for. We start with Business objectives, sending out a questionnaire to new clients asking them first and foremost, what is their ideal scene. Then we move on to marketing and comms and peel back the layers that we need to know, creating clarity and a roadmap to make those goals happen. We then turn that into 90-day plans with a clear direction and quantified outcomes to success.
Success looks different for everyone.
If you take a quick scroll through the Taurus website, you will see an impressive client list with eminent names such as Commonwealth Bank, Dicker Data, Blackmores, Invocare, QBE, MLC and a host of other instantly recognisable brands and companies. We work with start-up entrepreneurs through to ASX-listed multi-nationals, but I measure our success by repeat clients.
Some of our clients have been with us for more than 15 years and some have started companies, become successful, sold and started again. There’s one business that is now on its fifth company with us. But the link between success and our clients is the methodology, looking for what it is you want to achieve and then setting it in stone and working towards it.
I get no greater satisfaction than meeting with our clients after a year and popping the cork on a bottle of champagne to celebrate what magnificent work we have all done. That is an amazing feeling and why I continue to focus strongly on the key objectives – the Bullseye.
If thinking about Marketing is blowing your mind, check out this free questionnaire to guide your journey!