My first teenage party – lessons learned!

June 15, 2011
Sharon Williams
My first teenage party – lessons learned!

15/06/11: My first teenage party – lessons learned! Having recently hosted my first teenage house party,  I feel qualified to put together a checklist, drawn from lessons learned to be used by any other parents out there who have agreed to do the same...

  1. Tip number one, sit down with your teenage son or daughter and plan the event:
  • In enough time
  • Discuss food
  • Entertainment
  • Dress
  • Venue
  • Music
  • Who? Numbers of guests
  • Purpose of the gathering
  • Budget

2. Write to your neighbours, explain you will be present, apologise in advance for the noise!

3. Make your teenagers do a budget document so they understand the implications and costs

4. Create a guest list and agree the numbers attending

5. Print the list onto clip boards on the night for each person on the door

6. Ask names of arrivals and mark off people as they arrive

7. Be firm, if not on the list, no entry – no ‘plus ones!’

8. Have approachable but firm security on the door with clear instructions – I used four 18 year olds clad in black t-shirts and jeans – they were large and gorgeous and charming!

9. Provide the security with torches, clip boards

10. Have only one entry and access point to the venue – with fire approval of course

11. Check bags for alcohol or at least ask the question

12. Make it clear at the door there is to be no alcohol

13. Once people are in the venue they can’t leave (no pass outs) and return, if they do leave, they need to know they can’t get back in (this is because they are often hiding drink in the street)

14. Have adequate food and drink – keep it simple - lots of water

15. Lots of bins for rubbish

16. Beware of sweets in wrappers – the wrappers make a big mess!

17. For home parties, have an adult in the home to keep teenagers out of the rest of your house rooms

18. Enjoy the accolade of a successful party and cool parent badge!

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