Is weight just genetics?

July 28, 2011
Sharon Williams
Is weight just genetics?

One member of my family is struggling with weight and I am monitoring food intake and upping the level of exercise. I’m watching another family member to put weight on. I’m keeping it in moderation, not over reacting but it is an issue that I am aware affects health, self confidence and self esteem. Others are eating the same diet and have no issues. Which convinces me it has a lot to do with genetics.

While in developing countries, every 12 seconds a child dies of starvation – this means that in the time it takes you to read this blog, another 6 children will die because they don’t have enough food. It’s a crazy world. And a crazy situation as a Mother, to be watching one family member stay big enough, while watching another getting too heavy.

It is crazy that I am watching weight on behalf of my family while a Mother in the Sudan is praying her children will be fed at all through one day. We should undoubtedly respect the privilege of birth and the geography of that birth location.

When will we learn, what can we do? Where do we start?

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